Investigating Generation Z’Intention to Use Learners’ Generated Content for Learning Activity: A Theory of Planned Behavior Approach | 2020 | |
Preventive maintenance model for heating ventilation air conditioning in pharmacy manufacturing sector | 2020 | |
Investigating Student Intention to support the Green Laboratory Program Using the Pro-environmental Reasoned Action Model: A case study from Bandung, Indonesia | 2019 | |
An Effective Scheme of a Depth Sensor Set Up for a Real-Time Ergonomics Assessment by the Gesture Confidence Level | 2019 | |
Perancangan Dan Optimasi Parameter Desain Trash Container Untuk Mendapatkan Nilai Deformasi Terkecil Menggunakan Metode Multi-factor Experimental Design | 2019 | |
Perancangan Alat Bantu Untuk Meningkatkan Kinerja Mesin Dust Collector Menggunakan Metode Perancangan Produk Rasional (studi Kasus Cv. Xyz) | 2019 | |
Optimasi Desain Trash Rack Dengan Parameter Nilai Head Loss Menggunakan Full Factorial Design | 2019 | |
Optimasi Parameter Desain Lambung Kapal Pengangkut Mesin Automated River (AURI) Cleaner Sungai Citarum Untuk Meminimasi Seakeeping Menggunakan Metode Taguchi | 2019 | |
Structural Behavior Analysis of Building Environment Automation System in Pharmaceutical industries | 2019 | |